Pandemic Projects




Typism Book Seven: Mask Up

American Health + Wellness Design Award 2020: Mask Up

American Health + Wellness Design Award 2020: Keep Distance

During the summer of 2020, when governments around the globe were implementing stay-at-home orders to help “flatten the curve,” several organizations worldwide joined in on efforts to help slow down the transmission of the virus. While most of us were focusing on adjusting to our new working from home routines and challenges, I found myself a part of a creative community that desperately wanted to use our skills and contribute to fighting the pessimism creeping into our communities.


I collaborated with a few organizations to develop designs that were used to encourage people to wear masks and practice social distancing.

At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention started asking Americans to wear masks to help prevent the spread of the virus, I partnered with the United Way of Delaware, Henry, and Randolph Counties, Indiana, to create the “Mask Up” design. The challenge was to encourage the non-maskers to wear one without verbal reminders. And that’s why I created a visual typographic solution in the shape of a mask. We then used the design on masks, yard signs, and social media platforms to encourage people to wear masks and practice social distancing. The initiative started in Muncie and, based on the request of residents from neighboring cities, was later used for multiple cities and towns across Delaware County.

The Indian truck art style has inspired the Keep Distance poster and mask design, and the message is a common phrase that can be seen on the back of Indian trucks. It is an important reminder to be cautious and encourages people to maintain distance during the pandemic.

The Keep Distance and a couple of other posters are available for purchase through Kultureshop India.

The Muncie Arts and Culture Council realized that even though the stay-at-home orders were disruptive for their mission to provide quality arts experiences for their patrons in the Muncie community, they wanted to thank people for their support as a member or donor over the past years. I was asked to design a Thank You card to reflect their gratitude towards the community members who supported MACC while continuing to stay-at-home and practice social distancing. The design takes inspiration from the MACC color palette and uses Adobe Dimension and some experimental typography to create a more dynamic design. The Thank You note also incorporates a subtle hint of a house shape using the alphabets “A” and “O” to communicate the vital message of staying at home.


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