The Facing Project


The Facing Project, Muncie, IN


American Graphic Design Award (GDUSA) 2020

The Facing Project is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering understanding and empathy in the world through inspiring stories that drive action. By promoting acts of empathy such as listening, storytelling, and bridging differences, the organization believes in the transformative power of stories as a catalyst for change.

Since its establishment in 2012, The Facing Project has organized community-based projects in nearly 100 communities across 18 U.S. states. The diverse range of topics and communities allows the Facing Project to collaborate with individuals from various backgrounds, including black/brown communities, people from all socioeconomic statuses, individuals of different ages (ranging from teenagers to those in their 80s), and individuals identifying with various gender identities, including both binary and non-binary.

As a member of The Facing Project’s board since 2019, I have had the privilege of contributing to the organization’s visual identity redesign and the development of a new theme for books published by the Facing Project Press.

In the aftermath of incidents of gun violence, the media brings attention to the issue, but often, both the public and policymakers quickly shift focus until another tragic event occurs. The Facing Project Press’s publication, “Facing Gun Violence,” sheds light on the stories of 18 survivors affected by gun violence in and around Dayton, Ohio, specifically following the Dayton Shooting on August 4, 2019. These firsthand accounts offer personal perspectives on how gun violence in America profoundly impacts communities, families, and individuals for generations. The cover design of the book draws inspiration from the survivors’ stories, paying homage to families, healthcare providers, law enforcement officials, and organizations working tirelessly to find a solution.


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