WordCamp Asheville

Wordcamp ASheville 2015 Banner Design


Marisa Falcigno, Jamie King, Corey Bullman (Designers)




Print Regional Design Annual 2016 and Graphic Design USA 2016

WordCamps are locally organized volunteer-run conferences that are aimed at informing and educating people interested in WordPress. Starting in 2006 in San Francisco, the first WordCamp inspired several local communities around the world that have organized hundreds of events since then.


In July 2015, WordCamp Asheville attracted bloggers, business owners, designers, developers, and hobbyists from Western North Carolina and beyond for a weekend of learning, exploring WordPress and making connections with potential business partners. The event offered presentations and talks that were divided into four tracks — all users, business, developer, and design & front-end.

The organizing committee invited us to be a part of the WordCamp Asheville branding and graphic design team. Using “exploration and connection” as the core concepts, we determined the style and aesthetics that helped bring direction to the event branding.

We didn’t merely rely on the identity design to embody the theme of the event. By using dashed-line illustrations, we established a visual language that was flexible and capable of being adapted to a set of icons for all four WordCamp tracks. Serving as brand elements, the icons were further used as a graphic resource for banners, stickers, newsletters, website, and event schedules.


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