GNV Airport Signage

Gainesville Regional Airport Entrance Signage


Fuer Liu



Gainesville Alachua County Airport Authority, FL

While pursuing my MFA in Graphic Design at the University of Florida, I worked as a graphic designer for the School of Art and Art History. One of my projects involved designing signage for Gainesville Regional Airport in 2014. As the lead designer, I collaborated with a fellow graduate student, Fuer Liu, and met regularly with the airport’s CEO, Mr. Allan Penska.

Upon its completion in March 2014, the signage was prominently installed along the primary entryway, facilitating access to 40 acres of valuable real estate earmarked for development to support the airport’s expansion. Situated between a steady flow of two-way traffic, the challenge was to create a design that effectively conveyed information and branding from both directions while meeting the dimensional constraints.

Gainesville Regional Airport Signage

Gainesville Signage Early Phase Design

To address this, I consulted with experts in signage materials and solar panel technology, using their insights to create a design that met both functional and aesthetic requirements. The resulting design integrated industrial concrete aesthetics with the airport’s revised visual identity, illuminated by LED lighting. Additionally, an updated color palette ensured visibility and impact, regardless of the time of day.


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