Horn Please Documentary Film


Horn Please Team


Horn Please is a documentary film that encapsulates various aspects of the Indian Truck art, an art form that makes journeys through the dusty highways of India, incredible in more ways than one. This documentary focuses on the origin and evolution of truck art, and how it influences not just the world of art, but also the lives of its artists and the truckers who interact with it on a daily basis.


At its heart, Horn Please investigates whether this traditional art, as a unique form of expression, will survive the modern-day demands of the Industry. The documentary’s title—Horn Please—is derived from a painted message seen behind most trucks in India. It signals the vehicles behind the trucks to blow the horn before overtaking. The sheer exposure of the signage has made it a famous phrase among Indians. Divided into nine sections—The Fuel to Truck Art, Travel Companion, Lettering, The Soul, Speed Breakers, Transformation, Indian Truck Art going places, The Next Gen, and The Crossroads —Horn Please tells the story of the trucking industry, the truck art, as well as the people associated with it. The nine chapters help pace the storyline by emphasizing topics such as the introduction and significance of truck art in India, process, time and cost involved, truck as home/wife, transformations, problems, future of truck art, etc.

Horn Please involves a collaborative effort by professionals from various industries (advertising, production, editing, music etc.) who came together to create a documentary and share the story of the truck art of India with the masses.

Click on the following link to access the Horn Please website and watch the Horn Please documentary film.


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