“Reinventing the Toilet Challenge” Container Design


Marisa Falcigno (Designer)


Kohler Co., USA


Communication Arts Design Annual 55, 2014

AAF Addy Gold 2015, Asheville NC

AAF Special Judge’s Mention 2015, Asheville NC


Uneven Growth – Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

In 2012, Caltech engineers won the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s “Reinventing the Toilet Challenge.” They developed a mobile restroom with a solar-powered water-treatment system for areas without plumbing infrastructure. Kohler engineers and designers joined the Caltech team to provide design expertise and enhance the user experience.

Tristan Butterfield, Kohler’s Global Creative Director, collaborated with Kohler’s engineer to select the right products for the project. They aimed to build a prototype of a sealed toilet solution to be shipped to India by December 17th. The mobile restroom had to be placed inside a container and showcased at the “Reinvent the Toilet Fair” in New Delhi, India. Butterfield emphasized the importance of creating a solution suitable for the local community in India.

To integrate the design seamlessly with the local culture, Butterfield opted for a cultural makeover using traditional Indian truck art for the exterior of the solar-powered mobile restroom container. They approached our team to develop the design concepts. Inspired by India’s vibrant truck art, the containers’ exterior designs established a cultural context within their placement. Our research process involved selecting motifs and messages emphasizing the significance of water conservation and environmental sustainability, two key concepts central to the project. Simultaneously, we aimed to capture the stylistic quality of truck art.

After weeks of extensive research and design, I completed the final exterior designs for the restroom container. These designs feature brightly colored flowers, birds, animals, and scenery, all influenced by Indian truck art and chosen for their cultural significance. The illustrations include the Sun, girls worshipping the Sun, oil lamps, and the introduction of solar panels in the village scene. I made these design decisions to highlight the importance of solar energy in the project and everyday life.

Kohler hired local artists in India to apply the final design concept to the exterior walls of the mobile container. In March 2014, the “Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India” was co-hosted by the Government of India’s Department of Biotechnology and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To discover more about the Caltech/Kohler collaboration and the science behind this groundbreaking innovation, read the article on Fast Company.

All photos courtesy of Kohler Co.


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